Dental Clinic Blog

The Solution for Receding Gums

Gum or gingival recession (GR) is a common oral health issue that affects many people. A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based observational studies on GR revealed that 88% of people over the age of 65 have gum recession on one or more teeth. 

This blog post explains gum recession, its common types, and some possible treatment plans that your dentist may choose.

gum recession - Zahnarzt Wien Dr. Azzawi

Gum Recession and Its Types

Gum recession is when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth begins to pull back, exposing more of the tooth and the root. If left untreated, this can lead to sensitivity, pain, and tooth loss. 

There are several types of gum recession with varying causes and symptoms. The most common type is caused by periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. This is an infection of the gums that occurs due to tartar build-up on the teeth when plaque is not removed. The bacteria in tartar can cause inflammation and irritation in the gums, leading to the recession of the tissue. 

Other causes of gum recession include:

Trauma-Induced Recession

This type of recession occurs when the gum tissue is damaged by trauma. This can happen from tooth grinding, biting down on hard objects, and even brushing too harshly

Genetics Susceptibility

Some people may be more prone to periodontal disease due to genetics. They may have thinner gums or a different shape of the tooth root that makes them more susceptible to recession.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can influence the periodontium and contribute to gingival inflammation, causing the gums to become more sensitive and prone to recession.

Gum Recession Treatment Plans

Treatment for gum recession depends on the underlying cause. If periodontal disease is the cause, treatment may include a deep cleaning procedure such as scaling. The treatment may also include antibiotics to eliminate the infection. In more advanced cases, surgery may be necessary to remove infected tissue and repair the damage.

For trauma-induced recession, treatment may include dental splinting or bonding to protect the teeth from further damage. In some cases, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to prevent further recession from repetitive trauma.

For those with genetic or hormonal causes, treatment may include gum grafting, which involves taking tissue from another part of the mouth and using it to cover the exposed root. This can help to protect the root and reduce sensitivity.

It’s also important to practice good oral hygiene, as neglect is typically a contributing cause of gum recession. This can include regular brushing and flossing. See a dentist or periodontist for regular checkups and cleanings is also important.

Book An Appointment With Dr. Omar Azzawi 

Dr. Omar Azzawi is a dentist in Vienna with a deep passion for aesthetic dental care. For him, health and functionality are key to a successful aesthetic treatment. This is why he dedicated his sole focus to ensuring every step of the treatment for every patient goes smoothly. 

Looking for a successful treatment for gum recession? Book an appointment now!

Tags: Dental Clinic Blog

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