Dental Clinic Blog

How Old is Too Old for Braces?

Our teeth are not just something we chew solid food and form phonetic sounds with; they’re also a part of our aesthetics. Our teeth define our smile and jawbone structure. It says here that Dr. Omar Azzawi understands it’s your prerogative to smile without being self-conscious about your teeth, no matter your age.

On that note, let’s discuss braces for older adults.

A Woman with Slightly Crooked Teeth

Redefining Braces for Older Adults

A study stressed the need to screen schoolchildren for orthodontic treatment because so many grow up with crooked teeth, which impacts their confidence when they grow.

Due to the overarching perception that no one wears braces after turning 20, many adults with misaligned teeth trudge through life without discovering their true smiles. The only reason this perception exists is that it’s much easier to realign teeth when your jawbone is still developing.

However, this doesn’t mean braces for older adults don’t work. Their job is to put pressure on your teeth and force them in a specific direction. Yes, it takes longer for adult teeth to realign, but that’s because their jawbone has already solidified. Since our teeth continue shifting with age, there’s no way the braces won’t do their job in older adults.

Getting Braces as an Older Adult: The Pros

Aside from rediscovering your smile, there are countless benefits to getting braces as an older adult. The first is the idea that you feel better and more confident when your smile is restored.

Apart from aesthetics, however, braces also prevent your ever-shifting teeth, fillings, or dental crowns from wearing out. They also spare you unnecessary jaw pain from misaligned teeth and help you close your mouth properly, which is another drawback of crooked teeth.

Getting Braces as an Older Adult: The Cons

Braces for older adults run long. You’re in the orthodontic treatment for the long haul—a year or more. Wearing braces and aligners can uncomfortable and might hurt your teeth or jaw. You also risk irritating your soft tissue if your braces have brackets.

Longer orthodontic treatments are costly, too. They might be partially covered under health or dental insurance, but you might have to pay some, if not the entire treatment fee. Undergoing orthodontic treatment as an older adult is an investment of time and money.

However, at the end of it lies a straighter, more radiant smile, which Azzawi Dental Aesthetic believes is worth every penny.

If you’re self-conscious about the appearance of braces, don’t be. At our clinic, you can opt for invisible braces. These clear aligners work as well as any braces with or without brackets on the market and don’t require a longer application. Start with an e-consultation with Dr. Azzawi and discuss braces for older adults.

Get in touch to share your concerns and feedback.

Tags: Dental Clinic Blog

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